<aside> πŸ’‘ Welcome to WebStraw McMaster's Wiki page! This is our database of FREE resources, available for all McMaster students! Enjoy scrolling!

FYI: our Notion page is best viewed on a desktop.

<aside> πŸͺ‚ Directory

Click on a heading to visit that page!


About WebStraw McMaster

WebStraw McMaster is a branch of WebStraw, a nonprofit student organization based at Western University, focused on providing open access resources and peer support for students.

Our Mission

Meet our Team!

Upcoming Social Media Posts

<aside> πŸ—£ Interested in being a contributor or adding a resource to our Wiki page? Fill out this contributor interest form: https://forms.gle/Qi5Q2wEcQavdzJd96


Latest Updates!

  1. Anatomy & Physiology Class Resources
  2. Semester Deadlines template for Notion in
  3. New Study Playlist of the Week!
  4. New Technology & Learning Resources Free Technology & Learning Resources Available to McMaster Students

Connect with us

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Academic & Education Resources

Study Resources

<aside> πŸ’‘ Resources that will help you study better and make you more efficient!

Productivity Apps

Course Packages

Standardized Test Prep

Education & Study Apps


Class Resources

<aside> ✏️ Resources to help you succeed in your courses! Note that these resources are here to supplement your learning!

Chemistry (CHEM 1A03/1AA3)

Physics (PHYSICS 1A03)

Microeconomics (ECON 1B03)

Anatomy & Physiology


Study Playlist of the Week


Study Playlist Archive

Stress Resources

Student Therapy Resources

<aside> ☺️ Feeling stressed? Check out some services that offer free counselling on campus!

Student Therapy Resources


Mental Health Apps

<aside> 🧠 Apps to make you feel like a 10/10

Apps, Extensions & Websites


Other Open-Access Resources

Student-Made Notion Templates

<aside> πŸ›οΈ Lots of students use Notion to help them organize their set-up for school! If you're looking for some cool templates to download and make your own Notion workspace, check this out!

Student-Made Notion Templates


Free Resources

<aside> πŸ†“ Free resources that can help you succeed in other parts of school!

Free Resources


WebStraw Articles

<aside> πŸ›οΈ WebStraw articles written by contributors at WebStraw!

WebStraw Articles


Organizations at McMaster

<aside> πŸ› οΈ Check out other McMaster Organizations that provide free academic and wellness resources for students!

McMaster Organizations


Give us Feedback!
